Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Darkest Secret of S1BU.

What is the darkest Secret of S1BU? Don't get the idea or ideas about the "seditious scandals" or "rewrite of.......S1BU's infamous flying letters about ...fairy, xxxxx & xxx " which rocked the elites of S1BU or about "You & Me" is not the secret! It's about a place, an "open" space and a very special place.

It's all about a big " longkang" or monsoon drain which was a "goldmine" to some of the earlier discoverer of this place. They had collected quite a handsome quantities of the "GOLD". Let you guess what's the "GOLD" and where is the place? It's a whitish matter and underneath a very big building. A kilogram might fetch a few thousand dollars. They said before the redevelopment of one of S1BU walkway , there were more..of the "GOLD". At Present, the "GOLD" is less and rumour is that someone might be guarding the place. Don't know how true ?

Below is the entrance to the Secret of S1BU...(don't go in, it's dangerous)

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